Dear Siblings, Sisters and Brothers, Good Morning to everyone. In these weird, unsettling times I hope all of you managed to find some rest and peace over the weekend. Here we go: Based on my phone call this morning with Mike Bolokowicz, Director of Human Resources this is what I know: City Personnel has instructed departments to allow the use of all forms of compensated time (SK, VC, FH) if workers need to stay home to take care of family members, or children home due to school closures. Those of us who need to stay home for the next few weeks due to compromised immune systems should have their physicians prepare a doctor's note. At 2:00 p.m. today, the Mayor is meeting with all the City Managers to brief them on what his plan will be in regards to City Workers. At 3:30 p.m. the Library's Coronavirus task force will meet, I assume to receive a debrief on the Mayor's message. Your Guild representatives from the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee will be in attendance (Lisa Palombi, Jeff Sargeant and myself). We will be forthcoming about what we learn. The Guild will be bringing up deep cleaning of branches and departments now that we are closed to the public. Lastly, if there are workers who need to stay home but are devoid of any compensated time in their D-Time Bank: the City will be addressing this. More to come. In solidarity, Henry Gambill |
March 2024