Ready for a leadership opportunity?
The Executive Board of the Librarians' Guild needs leaders like you!
As of 2024, Executive Board officer and Steward terms will last two calendar years, beginning on January 1, 2025.
Elections are held every even numbered year, starting in 2024.
You can be a member of the Librarians' Guild Executive Board if you:
As of 2024, Executive Board officer and Steward terms will last two calendar years, beginning on January 1, 2025.
Elections are held every even numbered year, starting in 2024.
You can be a member of the Librarians' Guild Executive Board if you:
- Are a Librarians' Guild member
- Have been a member for at least one (1) year preceding the election
- Are able to attend monthly Executive Board meetings
Elections Cycle
Nominations held at General Membership meeting
Nominee does not need to be present to be nominated If you will not be present, you can ask another Guild member to nominate you. |
Elections held
Results of elections announced
Term of existing Executive Board members ends (December 31) |
New term starts (January 1)
Position descriptions
President: Leads Meet and Confers with management, runs Executive Board and General Membership meetings, leads negotiation teams for MOUs, represents the Guild at local and national AFSCME conferences, listens to members' needs and acts accordingly.
Executive Vice President: Works closely with President in Meet and Confers, meetings, negotiations, and helps the President perform their duties, listens to members' needs and acts accordingly.
Secretary Treasurer: Manages Guild finances. Writes checks, goes to the bank, does annual audit, uses accounting software, reads out a monthly financial report at Guild meetings. Manages accounts with accounting firms to prepare taxes or payroll. Attends AFSCME trainings on union financial codes.
Recording Secretary: Takes minutes for General Membership and Executive Board meetings. Signs off on official results of elected delegates to local and national conferences.
Chair of Electronic Communications and Outreach: Writes emails to update membership on Guild happenings. Manages Guild website and social media presence.
Liaison to the Board of Library Commissioners: Attends Board of Library Commissioner meetings and reports back to membership. Addresses BOLC when asked to do so by the President.
Membership Chair: Maintains membership lists. Signs up new members. Attends New Librarians' Orientations to promote the Guild.
Vice President of Education and Training: Works with the Programming Chair, plans out professional development events, such as speakers, for membership. Leads committee to screen applicants for training and conference attendance reimbursements.
Vice President of Health, Safety and Welfare: Represents the Guild and runs regular Joint Labor and Management health, safety, and welfare meetings. Receives reports of security issues happening in the system and reports to Guild leadership.
Vice President of Political Action: Performs research on people running for local, state and national office and recommends endorsement and donations to those who would represent the Guild's interests best. Plans Guild presence at area rallies and political events.
Vice President of Professional Concerns: Holds a regular meeting to discuss members' work issues, referring them to stewards if necessary. Tracks concerning trends for follow up with Management.
Vice President of Programs: Works with VP of Education and Training and plans out events at membership meetings. Orders food for membership meetings. Plans Holiday Party.
Chief Rank and File Steward: Leads and trains the Rank and File stewards, holds Stewards Council meetings, oversees the work of rank and file stewards.
Chief Supervisory Steward: Leads and trains the Supervisory stewards, holds Stewards Council meetings, oversees the work of Supervisory stewards.
Steward: Represents Guild members during investigatory meetings. Works with members to access the grievance process and determine what is or isn't a grievance. There are eight Rank and File Stewards: one for each BLS region, one for CLS, and one for all other divisions combined (E&L. ETC, etc.). There are four Supervisory Stewards.
Trustee: Oversees annual financial audit. Assists in counting ballots and certifying results in any Guild election. This position lasts 3 years per term. (Trustees are not part of the Executive Board.)
Executive Vice President: Works closely with President in Meet and Confers, meetings, negotiations, and helps the President perform their duties, listens to members' needs and acts accordingly.
Secretary Treasurer: Manages Guild finances. Writes checks, goes to the bank, does annual audit, uses accounting software, reads out a monthly financial report at Guild meetings. Manages accounts with accounting firms to prepare taxes or payroll. Attends AFSCME trainings on union financial codes.
Recording Secretary: Takes minutes for General Membership and Executive Board meetings. Signs off on official results of elected delegates to local and national conferences.
Chair of Electronic Communications and Outreach: Writes emails to update membership on Guild happenings. Manages Guild website and social media presence.
Liaison to the Board of Library Commissioners: Attends Board of Library Commissioner meetings and reports back to membership. Addresses BOLC when asked to do so by the President.
Membership Chair: Maintains membership lists. Signs up new members. Attends New Librarians' Orientations to promote the Guild.
Vice President of Education and Training: Works with the Programming Chair, plans out professional development events, such as speakers, for membership. Leads committee to screen applicants for training and conference attendance reimbursements.
Vice President of Health, Safety and Welfare: Represents the Guild and runs regular Joint Labor and Management health, safety, and welfare meetings. Receives reports of security issues happening in the system and reports to Guild leadership.
Vice President of Political Action: Performs research on people running for local, state and national office and recommends endorsement and donations to those who would represent the Guild's interests best. Plans Guild presence at area rallies and political events.
Vice President of Professional Concerns: Holds a regular meeting to discuss members' work issues, referring them to stewards if necessary. Tracks concerning trends for follow up with Management.
Vice President of Programs: Works with VP of Education and Training and plans out events at membership meetings. Orders food for membership meetings. Plans Holiday Party.
Chief Rank and File Steward: Leads and trains the Rank and File stewards, holds Stewards Council meetings, oversees the work of rank and file stewards.
Chief Supervisory Steward: Leads and trains the Supervisory stewards, holds Stewards Council meetings, oversees the work of Supervisory stewards.
Steward: Represents Guild members during investigatory meetings. Works with members to access the grievance process and determine what is or isn't a grievance. There are eight Rank and File Stewards: one for each BLS region, one for CLS, and one for all other divisions combined (E&L. ETC, etc.). There are four Supervisory Stewards.
Trustee: Oversees annual financial audit. Assists in counting ballots and certifying results in any Guild election. This position lasts 3 years per term. (Trustees are not part of the Executive Board.)